Typhoid Fever Prevention Tips
Facts to note about Typhoid:
- It’s a multi-systemic febrile illness caused primarily by Salmonella typhi.
- Humans are carriers.
- It is spread from person to person through faeco-oral route.
- Infection begins with oral ingestion of organism
- The infection is commoner at the beginning of the rainy season and the dry season.
Prevention tips:
- Good personal and environmental hygiene
- Adequate treatment of carriers especially food vendors by use of appropriate antibiotics for the required period
- Wash hands frequently with soapy water before eating or preparing food, as well as after using the toilet.
- Alcohol-based sanitizer can be used in the absence of hot water.
- Avoid drinking contaminated water by ensuring water is bottled or boiled.
- Get vaccinated against typhoid fever
25 Apr 2018